Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Truth in Advertising...

Well something that I will divulge about myself "Captain Random" is that I work in Advertising.

Below are a couple of funny videos about the "truth" in advertising:

The link below shows what can happen when a client gets a hold of a great creative idea and makes it there own. In this case, what if Microsoft marketed the iPod??

What if Microsoft marketed the iPod? - The Video (Click here)

Here is a funny video entitled, "Truth in Advertising" about the things people are actually saying and doing, but don't say and do. Confused? Just watch the video...

Truth in Advertising - The Video (Click here)

Yawning: An Epidemic??

Haven't posted anything for a while. My apologies.

Ever noticed that when one person yawns, everyone else close by will start? Why is that?!? For no particular reason, I noticed about 5 times today that one person would yawn and then about 4 other people around them would yawn right after them. In one situation, a girl yelled out, "No yawning!" after someone in the room began yawning. Why is yawning so contagious?

(On a side note, I've yawned twice just writing this entry, thinking about yawning. I'm pretty sure it's an epidemic.)

Monday, February 06, 2006

Links O' Plenty

Bored? Well probably cause you are here, right? Thought so.

Well in all your spare time check out the few below cool links:

You Tube (Just about every video clip you can think of)
Dirty Little Secrets
Ad Slogan Generator (Become a copywriting ad genius)
Weather Map
Don't Register for Websites!! (Bug Me Not)
80's Video Games
Movie News (Dark Horizons)
Movie Trailers
Chuck Norris Facts (Too good not to post...again)

Super Bowl Sunday

Well, Super Bowl Sunday has come and gone.

The highlights:

- Pittsburgh Steelers won...21-10. Sorry Seahawks! Maybe next year.

- Lots of TV commercials. Some good, most of them bad.

- The Rolling Stones are really really old.

That about does it!