Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Random Pic

"Bees! Bees! Bees in the car! Bees Everywhere! God, they're huge! They're ripping my flesh off! They're huge, and they're sting crazy! Your firearms are useless against them!" - Tommy Boy

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Renaissance Festival

Well this past Saturday the crew and I headed down to a magical land filled with knights, food, and weirdoes known as The Renaissance Festival. I usually try to go every year. Minnesota has one of the biggest Renaissance Festivals in the nation, and if you’ve never been, well, then you are truly missing out … medieval style.

The highlights of the day (for me) always include a number of set things:

First up, the food. Some people say the MN State Fair has the best food, but I say NAY! You have your staples, for food, when you go to the Ren Fest. The first up being ‘Soup in a Bread Bowl’. I highly recommend the Wild Rice Soup. It’s a great way to start off the day, and really warms you up. They used to have a kickin’ Beer Cheese Soup, but they don’t use beer anymore in the soup, and that’s bad. Once, you’ve enjoy that the next tasty concoction one must partake in is: Apple Dumplings w/ Cinnamon Ice Cream. Oh yeah! I don’t really need to explain that one. Just damn tasty! And then lastly for all you beer lovers out there, you can wash it all down with an ice cold glass of Premium Beer. Or, for the non-beer lovers, a King or Queen’s cup of Pop (yes, it’s called ‘pop’ not ‘soda’ I don’t’ care what the signs said.) There’s lots of other delicious tasty treats present, but those are my favorites.

The Second thing I always enjoy when going to the Ren Fest are the weirdoes … err … I mean people in costumes. This is the one fair that a select number of individuals wait ALL YEAR for where they can dress up as whatever they want (outside their home) and it becomes totally acceptable. In fact, it’s encouraged! And people are also rewarded for hassling others. What happens when you dress up a bunch of weirdoes that have been hiding all year waiting for this one shining moment, and then mix them with a bunch of passive aggressive Minnesotans? Well … I can only describe it as entertainment. Oh yes … entertainment! What’s even funnier still, is when people dress up for the fair it’s not just restricted to Medieval attire. In fact, this year I caught an eyeful of a guy dressed as a clown. All I can say is quite frightening! Anyone who says otherwise, I tell you to go watch the movie IT. Yikes!

Lastly, the final highlight of the day is Jousting! Nothing better than seeing two knights trying to kill each other. I don’t know how to best describe it; it’s just … cool.

All in all, another successful Ren Fest completed. A great day was had by all! And then the crew and I ended the day with a BBQ in Mikey B’s Garage. Rednecks everywhere would have been proud! The only thing we were missing was NASCAR. Good times. Good times.

God save the King!

P.S. - Here are the pics. Most of which didn't turn out.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Random Picture

Here's a random picture of my friend's dog named, Vahn. This is when Vahn had his ears cropped and looked like a retarded monkey.

Why the random picture and not original material that will entertain, amuse, and inform? Well because I'm just too busy this week (month) with my new job, booking a trip to Japan, and other random stuff that I'm saving up my interesting stories for a rainy day, or at least when I have more free time.

In the meantime, enjoy the retarded monkey.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Well as I write this it's 3:30AM and I can't sleep. Man I hate that!

It doesn't happen very often; I usually don't have trouble sleeping. However, every once in a while my mind will start racing in the middle of the night after a bad dream or if something is on my mind troubling me (as it is at the moment) and I wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep till about 5AM, but by then it's time to wake my ass up for work again in about an hour.

Damn you brain and all your thoughts! I should stab you with a Q-tip!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Random Picture Day

Today's random picture is brought to us from the movie Anchorman.
If you haven't seen it you're either retarded, or living in a cave somewhere ... like this man. CANNONBALL!!!!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Hot Lake Action - Part Deux

Well I've said it once and I'll say it again. There is just nothing better than spending a day on the lake in summertime. Truly one of the greatest, most relaxing moments you can experience. In my opinion, anyways.

Of course, you throw in a little first time water-skiing and crazy 'hang-on for dear life' tubing (where the driver is trying to dump you into the lake) and it doesn't really become relaxing anymore as you're flung clear across the lake at high speeds and pray that your death will be swift and painless. But hey, it's still fun!

Kudos and props to you Cory for letting us use your lake hook-ups. You're the man!

Well I enjoyed yet another action-packed weekend on the lake and here's a conglomeration of the lake pics. Including me trying water-skiing for the first time. I guess the thing is I did it. I was only up on the skis for about 10-15 seconds (twice), but at least I did it. So there!

Click here for all the pics. In no particular order.

BTW - Some volleyball pics in there too. Hey, what better way to end the day than with some volleyball. Hey, comrades?