Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sick Day

Well today I had a sick day (and looks like tomorrow too), cause I am well ... really sick!! Despite it being super frustrating being sick (I HATE it), it has allowed me to do a couple of things:

- Take time off of work so I don't go insane, which was quickly approaching.

- Drive to the doctor's office, while sick ... not fun.

- Made me appreciate being healthy!

- Just about finish reading Harry Potter: The Deathly Hollows. An AMAZING book, read it now!!

- Lastly, realize why I have a job and don't sit around all day watching crappy TV.

Hmm ... okay well this is kind of a lame post but I'm bored so ... here's a random pic from last Halloween. News Team ASSEMBLE!!!

P.S. - I love lamp!

Monday, August 27, 2007

A walk through the Scuplture Garden

What a better way to spend a nice summer Sunday night than a walk through the Sculpture Gardens downtown Minneapolis? Well, the girlfriend and I thought so anyways.

Here's a few pics of the adventure otherwise click here for more (and larger versions).

Monday, August 20, 2007

What we call the news

The below link will take you to a video that perfectly (and entertainingly ... is that a word?) explains why I do NOT watch the news. Thank you Jib Jab!

What We Call The News - Video (click and behold)

Enjoy all.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

MN Zoo

Well this past weekend the girlfriend and I checked out the MN Zoo. I'd been really looking forward to visiting the MN Zoo since I hadn't been there since I was about 15 years old. I LOVE the Zoo!! And what a trip back to my childhood. Only thing is once going back to a place you knew as a child ... that place inevitably always seem to shrink. And this was no exception.

Overall, just a really fun day! The exhibit highlight for me was watching the River Otters play and swim. Looked like they were having sooo much fun. I could watch those little guys all day long. Also, if you ever get a chance check out the butterfly tent. Amazing butterflies and flowers everywhere. There's a great shot every 2 inches it seems. (I got a little carried away.) It's a photographer's dream come true!

Also, I got to see my friend Corey's handy work on the MN Trail with some nice (and incidentally great smelling) new hardwood floors. Props to Corey! They look pretty darn spiffy.

Well below are a few pics of my MN Zoo adventure, or click here for more of them.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Random Pic

Stop looking at me Swan!!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


It's amazing what a little modern medicine can do!

To back up. I was sick with bronchitis in June and was given a perscription to make the symptoms go away, but not actually long enough to "treat" the problem. So for the month of July the symptoms flared back up again, and I've been sick off and on and it's really been a pain cause I seem to get sick on the weekends during the rarely amazing summer months in Minnesota. We have such precious little time in the summer in MN and I'm supposed to out enjoying it. Not stuck in side with a sore throat and a fever.

Well last weekend the infection (or whatever it was) decided to make a unified assult on my body and I felt awful! So off to urgent care I went to see a doctor and get some medicine. Well I freaked the doctors out a bit (since I was so sick) that they ended up jabbing me with a needle about 50 different times for a bunch of tests. Oh boy, what fun! But not really.

Well the hero in this pointless tale is twofold. The first hero is Antibotics! After getting some antibiotics in my system, first through an IV and next via pills. I feel a billion times better! The second hero in the tale is finding a doctor who will listen to the patient and take a preventative approach to medicine, versus cautious approach of doing nothing. That's what got me into this mess in the first place.

So after a somewhat sick and frustrating summer, I think I maybe finally on the path to feeling better! Thanks Antibotics!!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

35W Bridge Collapse

Well I'm alive. I happened to cross the 35W bridge a few hours before it collapsed on my way to and back from lunch, since I work right next to it. Man that's scary! How does a bridge just collapse for no reason?

This morning I (along with everyone else in Minneapolis) went to the Mississippi River to survey the damage. A truly sobering experience as you can see vehicles strewn about the bridge, which lay in shambles and rescue workers all over the scene.

My thoughts and prayers are with the friends and families of those that weren't so fortunate.