Friday, November 24, 2006

My First Wild Hockey Game

No, I’m not 3 years old. Well, mentally maybe. But today I witnessed my first Minnesota Wild hockey game. And as far as first experiences could go, not too bad.

I got a call from the Rick James and he told me he had an extra ticket and today was the day to behold my first Wild hockey game in the Xcel Arena. Now I’ve been to the Xcel Arena before for concerts (Foo Fighters/Weezer – which was amazing!), but never hockey. So I ran down to James (well actually I drove), we hopped in the H-Bomb and we were on our way.

First, I was hungry and needed sustenance before the game. Hey, any real player needs his energy right? What other better place to stop for food than McDonalds? Well, in the words of Ron Burgundy, “McDonalds was a bad choice!” Half-way through the game I experienced what I can only describe as side-splitting cramps as my body started to reject the foul cuisine that I had mistakenly put into it. But as any good hockey player would do; I shook it off and played with the pain.

So long story short, we got free parking, got to the arena and took our seats. The thing that’s great about the Xcel Arena is that every seat is a great seat. Especially the 200 level (upper deck – cheap seats), which is exactly where we sat. Great seats from up there you could see everything!! We were ready for the game!

The challenge: MN Wild vs. Phoenix Coyotes. Okay, not too hard of a challenge. As the Phoenix Coyotes are not doing too well this year, even under the tutelage of hockey great Wayne Gretzky. However, all in all a pretty entertaining hockey game. Lots of good plays, near misses, and good team work. The final score was 4-0 and the Wild were victorious against Wayne Gretzky’s lame Coyotes. Sorry Gretzky! You may have been the former god of hockey, but we can’t live on memories alone. Just ask the band Poison.

Once the game was over, that’s when the real action took place. The moment Rick James had been preparing and anticipating for for who knows how long. I watched as the last few seconds ticked by on the scoreboard clock and then listened as the final horn blared defiantly, signifying the end of the game. I stood up thinking we were going to leave and all I notice is an arm on my shoulder and a quick few words from the James, "Oh no, man. Sit down. We’re not leaving yet. The best part is coming!” Confused I sit down and wait patiently. I watch and look down at the arena where everyone starts to file out of their rows as they look like ants leaving the colony. Soon the arena gets emptier and emptier. Finally, after a few minutes only a few people are left and James stands up and says, "Here we go!" Immediately the Rick James springs into action running up this row and that. Bending down with lighting quick speed and reflexes he continues to pick stuff up from the floor while running like a monkey on a mission. What is he picking up? Why is he running up the rows and aisles? I quickly figure it out what he is doing. What some consider trash … to the James is gold. He’s going around and picking up all the used plastic souvenir cups he can find for the use of his beloved daily 'Chocolate Milk routine' at home, or perhaps for the use of cups to serve beer at his next party.

After a few minutes James returns and says,” Okay dude, now we can go.” I look up to a towering monument of MN Wild cups. Even Wally the Beerman would be proud! There were 39 in all, just one cup shy of 40. We head out of the arena and everyone we pass just stares at the wobbling stack of plastic cups and a few people ask if Eric’s okay to drive home or if he’s had too much to drink to which he responds in a fake drunken accent, “Iiimmm alllrriigghttt!”

We get back to the car, the cups hit the backseat and we’re on the road. I’ve experienced my first Wild game and Eric has his crowning achievement. All in all, a good adventure.

However, just a word of wisdom to the readers out there. Next time you find yourself down at the Rick James’ House of Funk and he offers you a cup to put your beverage of choice in. Take a close gander at the emblem on the cup and an even closer look inside. Consider it just a few words of wisdom from a fellow onlooker.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Guitar Hero II. Greatest Game EVER???

Well I'm behind the times a bit on this one, but through some co-workers I recently discovered the video game magic and addiction known as Guitar Hero II. For those that aren't familiar (like I was). This is one of those video games you usually encounter people playing in the aisles of Best Buy, while parents and friends are yelling at the player in phrases like, "Billy, we have to go NOW!!" or "Okay, fine I'm leaving then. See watch here I go, I'm walking out the door!! This is me walking out the door now." or my favorite "Hey dumbshit, we gotta go the movie starts in like 5 mins!!!"

Well rarely does a video game come along that no matter your level of skill, interest or coolness in relation to the "video game" category that a game can captivate and get you addicted so much that you tend to lose all track of time, forget loved ones, or just have a general disregard for all other obligations in life. Well Guitar Hero is one of those games!!

Last week with the release of Guitar Hero II some co-workers were playing it and competing here at work. I was trying to get them to do something (job related), but instead I was being ignored as everyone was addicted and playing Guitar Hero II. Well, hey if you can't beat 'em join them, right? (Or key their cars ... but that's a different story.) So I picked up the guitar, started the game and *BAM* I was hit with a shockwave of instant hypnotic addiction. Maybe it was the music, maybe the seizure inducing blinking lights or maybe my aching wrist and cramped fingers ... I can't be sure. But I was hooked!! That night I immediately went and bought my own version from Best Buy. A week later, I can say I'm still hooked and it was a sound purchase.

So for those not yet addicted to Guitar Hero II, well ... enjoy your freedom while it lasts. For all other curious potential rockers click here.

BTW - This game includes over 55 songs to rock out to including "Trogdor" by Strong Bad. It doesn't get any cooler then that!! Burninating the Countryside!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Go Vote!

Well today is election day and this is your reminder to get out and vote!

Personally, I probably won't (because I don't give a rip about any of the candidates), but you should because unlike me you are a good person, right!?!

Don't know where to vote? Fear not, my fellow voter!

Click here to find where to go to the polls.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Red Bull ‘Art of the Can’ Exhibit – A Tale of Fake People

So last night I found myself at the Weisman Art Museum for the private showing of the Red Bull ‘Art of the Can’ Contest – Sculpture Exhibit. First off, I was there because my ad agency, sponsored by Red Bull, had a number of people who did a couple of sculptures that made it into the show.

Going into the event I wasn't sure what to expect other than the event should be pretty laid back with a bunch of free Red Bull around and some cool young “extreme sport” type of people. Right? Umm….yeah. I was wrong.

First off, my group and I stroll in (sporting our fancy t-shirts and jeans) around 9:30pm; 2.5 hours after the exhibit has started. The place is PACKED!! And the men are in fancy suits with black ties and the women in even fancier revealing dresses.

Secondly, from my keen observation skills I quickly realized you either fell into one of three categories.
  • Category 1 - You were an artist with weird misunderstood (for a reason) clothing and hair that looked like you just woke up.
  • Category 2 - You were a boorish pretentious bastard artist-wannabe that wouldn’t talk to anyone because you thought you were above it all. ....OR
  • Category 3 – You were severely underdressed (and uninformed) because what you thought was going to be a laid back fun event (like it said on the invitation) really wasn’t accurate at all.
All in all, despite our expectations being WAY OFF. It was a good time. We all enjoyed: free Vodka Red Bull drinks all night long, jaw droppingly hot women to look at (always nice), some pretty cool looking sculptures made out of Red Bull cans and some interesting artists to talk to.

What was really funny about the night though is how everyone there took the exhibit and everything so seriously. Come on people, this the Red Bull ‘Art of the Can’ Contest at the Weisman in Minnesota. We're not socialist fashionistas looking for the next potential Picasso in New York City. So adjust your expectations (and attitudes) accordingly.

If you want to check out the Red Bull ‘Art of the Can’ Exhibit. It opens to the public this Saturday, Nov. 4th -12th at the Weisman Art Museum in Minneapolis. Click here for details. And keep drinking that Red Bull.