Thursday, May 31, 2007

A summer cold

How did this happen? I ask you. Well this week I've come down with a cold just at the beginning of summer. When it's been 80 degrees out! Aren't you only supposed to get colds in the winter?

Well hopefully it'll be gone in a few days, but for the time being it sure does suck!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What NOT to do … a dog owner's guide

This past Memorial Day weekend people were out in full force enjoying our nice short-lived MN weather. As I was out and about around the lakes in Minneapolis I happened to notice several “DON’Ts” for any dog owner and for the benefit of mankind I’ve chosen to illustrate what NOT to do to your dog.

This may (and should) seem like common sense to most.

Tip #1: Do NOT put a hat on your dog!

It’s pretty sad, but I saw several hats on dogs this weekend. You may be a middle-aged woman longing for a child and want to dress them up, but your dog is not a substitute and you must resist this urge at all costs (also see Tip 3). Do NOT put a hat on your dog. They don’t want it, and it humiliates you both! See photo.

I saw several hats on dogs this weekend and in each instance (besides it looking totally frickin’ ridiculous) the dog was humiliated (tail down) and kept clawing at it in an attempt to remove the uncomfortable torture device.

Tip #2: Do NOT put goggles on your dog!

Another pet fashion catastrophe I noticed was people putting sport goggles on their dogs. I saw this several times. In each case the dog kept shaking it’s head violently to try and remove the goggles. I couldn’t but help feel sorry for the dog each time. And what I kept thinking was, "If the dog keeps shaking its head the goggles will end up hurting its eyes rather than protect them, right?" It took all my willpower to not run over to the dog, take the goggles off, and yell at the owner for being an idiot and torturing their pet.

Think about it, dogs are animals and better equipped than us for outdoor harsh situations. Also, chances are if it’s 85 degrees outside, sunny and mild your dog is not going to need protective eyeware.

Tip #3: Do NOT put your dog into outfits, no matter how small it is.

Lastly, I will point out that it's not cool to dress your dog up in various “cute” themed outfits. I saw an older lady this weekend carrying around her very small dog, as if it was her child, in what I can only guess was a Teddy Bear themed outfit. She thought it was adorable, however everyone else around her thought it was about the saddest thing they’d ever seen. No dressing up your dog in so-called “cute” themed outfits! I know your dog can’t talk, but I know they don’t like it. Trust me! Again, it humiliates you both.

So overall I hope we’ve learned some important tips on being a responsible dog owner here today. (I should also point out the same goes for cat owners.)

Today’s Lesson: DO NOT DRESS UP YOUR DOG! It humiliates you both!

Friday, May 25, 2007

May 25th, 1977

Today marks the 30th anniversary of one of the greatest movies of our time ... Star Wars.

Like so many out there this was the first movie that really got me interested and opened my eyes to the realm of movies/film. I still remember watching it for the first time as a kid with my Dad. Just magical; I was hooked instantly.

Happy 30th Star Wars!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ice Cream Man

Today I was reminded of the power of the Ice Cream Man.

I should back up a bit here; today was my ad agency's "Ledge Party" marking the official start of summer and the opening of "The Ledge" where co-workers can sit outside, hang out and most importantly ... GRILL over the lunch hour!! All while overlooking picturesque Downtown Minneapolis and the Metrodome.

So to mark the opening of The Ledge our President and Owner grilled up a storm (burgers and brats) along with a full spread of food and drinks. Quite the good time!

However, this party all ended with a trip down to the parking lot where the Ice Cream Man with his truck was waiting for all of us with dessert. It was amazing to see my fellow co-workers transform into 12-year-old children instantly. One look at that truck and all of the tasty ice cream options posted on the side and I started having flashbacks to when I was a kid.

I think where the Ice Cream Man truly derives his power from is that "distinct" sound/song the truck makes. That sound is magical and INSTANTLY recognizable. The second you heard it (when you were a kid), doesn't matter what you were doing (or if you were half dressed), you immediately ran out of your house like a shotgun blast yelling, "ICE CREAM MAN!!!" I remember doing this and simultaneously watching all the other neighbor kids doing the same. The power this song created was so overwhelming that most times I would notice kids running up to the Ice Cream Truck, beckoned by the siren call, who totally forgot their money and were forced to run back and chance it or beg and plead from friends for spare change.

I wonder does the Ice Cream Man know the power he holds? Could he harness this power, this magical sound, and say ... run for President with promises of ice cream treats for all? Perhaps that's just the beginning...

At any rate, summer is finally here and it's officially ice cream season. High Five!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

What are some good movies out?

Being the lover of movies that I am I often get asked, "Andy, what's good out now that I should go see?" Well look no further! Here are my recommendations on what you should go see this weekend if you're looking for a good flick.

Hot Fuzz
Starring: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost

From the makers for Shaun of the Dead, here's another brilliant comedy poking fun at all the cop thriller/action movies out there. This movie had me (and the audience) laughing from beginning to end. Easily one of the more brilliant comedic films of 2007!

Starring: Shia LaBeouf, Sarah Roemer, David Morse, and Carrie-Anne Moss

In this Rear Window-like remake, a teen (Shia LaBeouf) is living under house arrest and becomes convinced and obsessed that his neighbor is a serial killer. Truly a great popcorn thriller flick, with flashes of hot teen action, that will have you glued to the screen from beginning to end. I remember walking out of the theater with the feeling of being energized after seeing a great movie, and also on the lookout for creepy neighbors. Beware!

28 Weeks Later

The sequel to 28 Days Later. In this horror flick we join six months after the rage virus was inflicted on the population of the British Isles, the US Army helps to secure a small area of London for the survivors to repopulate and start again. But not everything goes to plan. Well of course it doesn't, we need some zombies, right?!? RIGHT!! Scary, intense zombie rage adrenaline-pumping action ensues. Nuff said. Enjoy!

Spiderman 3
Starring: Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Topher Grace, James Franco and Thomas Haden Church

Not much to say here. 3rd Spiderman movie. Too many characters, not enough time. Cool looking villans and effects, but the story suffers as there's not enough time to explore all of this tale's threads. However, if you like the first two Spiderman flicks chances are you'll enjoy this one. How can a zillion movie goers and dollars made be wrong? Lastly, Topher Grace (in my opinion) steals the show with his smart ass, wise cracking attitude.
Go Topher!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mother's Day Flowers

Since this past Sunday was Mother's Day, what better way to spend it than with my Mom?!? Well I was out at the parents' house and my Mom is into flowers, mix in a nice sunny day and a nearby camera and voila! You get the below pics.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Parking lot Parenting

Over my lunch break today I made a stop at everyone’s favorite French department store … Target. And what I witnessed really made me think about how parents scold their kids. Well here’s the story…

I parked my car, got out and as I approached the front door of Target I checked for traffic. However, as I was doing this my attention was immediately diverted to the store’s entrance where an overweight, unkempt and all-around scary mother (whom I’ll call ‘Large Marge’) was yelling at her daughter who’s arms were folded with a stern face as she intently studied the ground for any imperfections.

Large Marge walked out of Target and started yelling, “Well that’s just TOO DAMN BAD. You know when YOU make THE MONEY and GET A JOB you can get WHATEVER YOU WANT!!! But until then, I MAKE THE MONEY! SO TOUGH!!” (You tell her Marge! Yikes.)

It was quite the scene. I thought for a little while there that Marge was going to “slap the sense” right onto her daughter face. But alas, she didn’t.

As I beheld this parenting spectacle I couldn't help feel like this whole episode embarrassed the parent more than the child. The kid totally ignored her mother, and could’ve cared less. While passersby instead watched Marge (who looked crazy) and silently made judgment calls.

I guess in the future if you’re going to yell at (or slap) your kids do it in private or at least wait till you get to the car because well … everyone is always watching!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Lake Harriet

Well, summer has finally arrived and the weather the last few days has been fan-FREAKIN-tastic! So I've been out and about enjoying it around the Lake Harriet area.

I decided to go for a walk yesterday and bring the camera along. Here's a few pics I took. Enjoy the photo journey.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Nature's Suprises

I was out at my parents house this weekend and my Mom was about to move a small Evergreen tree that was put outside as a Christmas/Winter decoration. Well she went to move it and out flew a bird. A Chipping Sparrow to be exact. And what she found next was a very small nest with eggs. Kinda funny. Life's full of suprises, most times they exist right under your nose.

I snapped a few pics. Enjoy!

  • Kurt Vonnegut Library

  • How Big is the World?

  • InterFaceLift (Great Wallpaper site)

  • Encyclopedia of Life

  • Harry Potter and Star Wars
  • Monday, May 07, 2007

    Windy Weekend

    The tornados may have been in Kansas, but you would have thought they stopped by to say hello here in MN with the wind gusts this weekend.

    Here's a pic I took as I was walking around Lake Harriet (into Gale Force winds) on Sunday. There were a number of sailboats tipped over, along with a few other things I discovered such as: downed tree branches, shingles that had fallen off of roofs, and trash cans askew in neighbors' lawns. In the words of Frankenstein, "WIND .... BAAAADDDD!"

    Friday, May 04, 2007

    What I'm listening to...

    Well I just couldn't wait for the album to come out on June 19th. So I bit the bullet and downloaded the single off of iTunes. Hey, it's only a dollar! Well the single 'Icky Thump' doesn't disappoint and is uniquely The White Stripes. Lots of good guitar. I dig it!

    Man, I can't wait for this album to come out!!

    Thursday, May 03, 2007

    Just Funny...

    Will Ferrell as Neil Diamond. The true stories behind some of Neil's most beloved songs. Enjoy! (Goulet!!)

    What I'm listening to...

    The morning just seemed to beckon for the soulful soothing sounds of Miles Davis.