Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Simple Pleasures

Okay it seems stupid, but I got really excited at work today cause I FINALLY got my new work cellphone. It's a Black Motorola RAZR v3. Sure it's no Apple iPhone, but it's far more stylish and practical than the cumbersome piece of crap that I was carrying around. Man did that old cellphone suck! And what's worse is that it was a "hand-me-down" from a previous employee when I got here. Well no more!!

So now my new cell phone is charging up and free of scratches, dents, and problems. And I got lots of mins in case I want to get rid of my personal cell. It's a good day!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

MN Twins - TV Shoot

Wow, what a crazy weekend, but it's now over and I'm running on about 3 hrs of sleep. Weeeee!

Got 3 TV spots filmed for the MN Twins this weekend. Funny stuff, and got to hang out with the players quite a bit. Real cool guys. Even got to be in a couple of the spots (as an extra).

Look for the commercials to start airing in March.

Nick Punto and Me

Redmond, Me, Morneau, and Mauer

(BTW - I'm 6'2" and normally taller than most people. Not these guys)

Santana, Me, Cuddyer, and Rincon

View the shoot pics ....

Friday 1/26 Metrodome shoot


Saturday 1/27 Underwater Adventures shoot

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

One Year Old!!!

Well I just realized that my blog is now one year old. I started it on January 24, 2006.

I don't think I've really contributed anything great to humanity on here. Maybe, one or two good posts. (Probably not.) But at least I've spewed forth my ramblings onto the interweb, and junked it up a bit more.

Here's contributing to the information overload.

Happy Birthday, Captian Random!

Turd Furguson

I made out pretty good this year in the Christmas presents department. Each year can be a crap shoot (usually bad), but overall not to shabby. However I did get one turd. So bad in fact that I’ve even given it a name and end-up making fun of it everytime I see it in my apartment. The infamous present’s name, ‘Mr. Turd Ferguson.’

My routine usually goes like this. I wake up (most times unwillingly and groaning at my alarm), stumble my way into the bathroom, and there it is ... mocking me and I it.

‘Ahh, good morning Mr. Ferguson! You know, something does smell a bit off around here. Kinda like turds. Do you smell anything? You don’t? Well it does seem to be coming from you general vicinity. You're not fooling anyone you know.’ Yes, it’s true I’ve been known to have conversations with it. It's that bad.

What could be worthy of this lame and sophomoric running joke of an inanimate object? A daily joke calendar. It’s one of those tear-off-each-day calendars that when you get it you fake a smile while you think, ‘What the hell?!? Did they just stop off at Walgreens on the way over here? Hmm…I wonder if I could re-gift this?’ Oh well, it’s the thought that counts right? No, actually. No.

Well truth be told, I had such high hopes for this lame x-mas gift. I thought, ‘well this could be cool, right? I’ll put it in my bathroom and each morning it will help wake me up with gift of laughter.’ But I was wrong. Soooo wrong.

So far the jokes it has produced for the month of January have been mediocre to lame at best. And what’s really terrible is not only are the jokes not funny, but they are so bad that most respectable comedians wouldn’t be caught dead telling them at The Moose Lodge in Bumblefuck, Missouri.

But what really tops the cake is so far the jokes have largely been from washed up comedians. Yesterday was Paula Poundstone. Paula Poundstone? WTF??!?? When has anyone seen Paula Poundstone on stage lately? BTW - 1987 called. It wants to let you know it was over about 20 years ago.

Well, Turdy. No matter how bad you get, you’ve taken on a personality of your own and at this point it’s like watching a car accident or staring into the sun. You want to look away, you need to look away, but you can’t … even if you go blind.

So Mr. Furgeson, I guess you and I are in this together. But be warned, if I go down I’m knocking you over into the toilet.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Choose your own (picture) adventure!

Well I have finally returned from the land known as Los Angeles. And what a crazy time it was. Had a great TV shoot for work, relaxing times running on the beach, fancy/expensive dinners, and even saw a couple of celebrities. All in all just a great time!

Well we have come to a crossroads my friends. In honor of the 'Choose Your Own Adventure' books I used to read as a kid, I have posted two sets of pictures today ... so it is time for you to choose your own (picture) adventure. Which will it be? The Shoot in LA or The Wedding? Choose wisely.

P.S. - Each pic set contains way too many pics. But hey, what can I say ... I'm fascinated by cameras. They take pictures of things.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Life in LA

I'm currently staying in Santa Monica (LA), California for a TV Commercial shoot. Sounds pretty rough right? Well the next couple of days will be with 14 hr. shoot days, but the past few have been pretty easy going as we are wrapping up details (casting/wardrobe) before we begin shooting. So I've had quite a bit of free time.

Well as I woke up this morning, I looked out the window of my hotel room and saw the sunrise coming up on the Santa Monica beach and the Pacific Ocean. Just a breath-taking view. Simply amazing!

Once seeing this beautiful sight I was immediately energized to....


A.) Go for a 5K Run on the Santa Monica Beach alongside the Pacific Ocean

B.) Paint an Acrylic Picture of Seagulls on the beach.

C.) Read a book of Poems as I watch the sunrise come up.

D.) Go try and rescue a whale.

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Answers B-D are obviously wrong as they are homo-gay.

Seriously, though. If you ever get the chance. A run in the morning along the ocean is simply an amazing experience! I highly recommend it.

Well off to dinner. Later all!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Congrats Jeff and Melanie!!!

Well it's official Jeff Anderson and Melanie (formerly Cain) are now married! Congrats to you both!! It was a beautiful wedding and I was honored to be a part of it. I couldn't be happier for you both!!

Look for pics posted in about a week or so. Until then I'll be livin' life LA style as I'm back out to California for a week to shoot some more commercials.

Later all!


Update - 1/21/07

Click here for the pics.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Silent Star Wars

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Health Club in January

Well it's January again and you know what that means? New Year's Resolutions. Yes the goals and ideals we set for ourselves that will never be attained. However, it an act of lunacy once we write a new year on our checks and memos a wave of inspiration hits us and we feel full of renewed energy and rebirth. "This year is going to be different!", we tell ourselves. Until the routine and old habits of February remind us how things used to be and bad tendencies take over, once again.

Well I always get a little frustrated in one particular area this time of year. And that's at the health club. I've been going to the health club to work out for little over 2 years now. And each year in January about a billion (and two) people decide that they are too fat and want to do something about it (this year). Well this creates a population explosion in the parking lot, workout machines, and every other inch of the health club for about a good month and a half until bad habits and the lure of the couch and and a tasty bag of chips, take over once again. And the attendance dies about mid-February. Until then frustration ensues...

Yesterday morning was a prime example. I showed up to the Lifetime Fitness Health Club to go running about 8:30am on Saturday. The parking lot ... packed full. Not a free spot within a 5 mile radius. As I drove in the parking lot, I could see about 7 other cars swimming around the lot like a pack of hungry sharks lurking and waiting for their next victim ... the elusive parking space. After about 5 mins of driving around I eventually just gave up, found a curb painted yellow and parked illegally. The place was packed!! Luckily, most everyone that was there were in workout classes so the running track was free and clear.

I guess the morale of this frustrating tale (other than me venting) would be. New Year's Resolutions are stupid!! Why? Cause people lack willpower. If you truly do have the willpower to stick with something, better yourself, and others. I salute you!! Go forth my brother (or sister) you are truly a rare breed and are a role model for the rest of us.

However, if not ... please steer clear of the Lifetime Fitness parking lot.

Thank you for your time.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year's Eve - Par-TAY!!

Well another year has come and gone. In celebration, I spent the night ringing in the New Year at the Rick James residence with some good old fashioned … food, folks, and fun.

After I braved the craptastic weather, which consisted of a frustrating car trip of going 30 MPH on the Highway (stuck behind two snowplows), seeing about 6 cars in the ditch, and a 30 min trip that should have taken 15 mins. I finally arrived at the Rick James for a true celebration.

Let the record show that I brought “homemade – real cooked" food this year to share with all!!!

You see, for the last 2-3 years worth of parties I’ve always been the guy that brings the “Chips and Dip” along with “Cookies” to share. The reason for this is well … I don’t really cook. Every time I get crap for it, so I finally went above and beyond the call of duty and brought LOTS of homemade food. This included: Italian Meatballs, Snickers Salad, a variety of Christmas Cookies, and Carmel Corn. This joined the veritable Old Country Buffet amount of food strewn about the kitchen. There was sooo much good food present, in fact, that well let’s just say I think James had plans to start up his own OCB complete with ice cream sundae and twisty cone machine.

Overall, great times were had. Kudos to James on another party well done. We ate, laughed (a lot), drank (a lot), played games, made fun of Vahn (a lot), danced to Sir Mix-a-Lot and partied till about 3AM in the morning.

Below are a few pics for your viewing pleasure. Otherwise to view all the pics of that fateful night ... click here.

The Crew

An "over-excited" Corey and Mel

Mikey B, Aimee, and Me

Eric showin' off that PL Pride

Mikey B and Anne

Chris and Pete

Happy New Year Everyone!