Thursday, January 24, 2008

New Job

Next week I start my new job. I was contacted by a neighboring advertising agency in MPLS around late December/early January and they presented me with an opportunity I just couldn't pass up.

I'm sad to leave my last ad agency. I was fortunate to work with some wonderfully talented and passionate people. However sometimes certain opportunities look us right in the face and we know we can't ignore them. This was one of those.

I'll most likely have a tough road ahead of me in my new job, but what in life that's worth having is easy?

Wish me luck!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Random Thought #77 - Wes Anderson Films

As I was getting ready for work this morning I was thinking (and quoting) movies, as I often do. And I quoted a great line from the movie Rushmore.

Max Fischer: "So you were in Vietnam if I'm not mistaken?"
Herman Blume: "Yeah, that's right."
Max Fischer: "So you were in the shit?"
Herman Blume: "Yeah, I was in the shit."

This made me remember how much I LOVE Wes Anderson films! He's easily one of my top 10 favorite directors. However, my favorite film of his is easily Rushmore. It's the first film I saw of his, and in the theater, and I instantly loved it watching the whole thing with a great big smile on my face. Everyone always says that their favorite film of Wes Anderson is The Royal Tenenbaums. I disagree. It's a great film, but I like Rushmore so much better.

Anyways, that's my random thought for today.

Someone cue the song "Making Time" by Creation. Rock out!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

It's that time to write '2008' on all your checks now (if you still use them).

I'm not quite sure how it can possibly be 2008 already, but somehow it is. So, I celebrated the coming of 2008 last night in style with a few good friends over at my friends' Mike and Aimee's house in Apple Valley.

Here's a few pics from the night's festivities. Enjoy the photo adventure!

The Gang

James displaying his Wii Bowling Skillz

Happy New Year, everybody. Goulet!!