Sunday, December 28, 2008

Question: What is the worst idea ever?

Answer: To go to Mall of America on the Saturday after Christmas.

It's a decision I immediately regretted.

For some reason, the girlfriend and I decided to go to MOA on the Saturday after Christmas. The only problem is so did the entire world.

After reaching MOA and finally finding a parking spot (on the top level of the parking ramp) we only hit up two stores before leaving (H+M and Best Buy). We faced hordes of people, 30 minute check out lines, and crying and whiny kids. It sucked!

By the time we left MOA (20 minutes later) there was a 3-4 mile back up on Cedar Ave. to get onto the off-ramp for Mall of America. Just WOW!

People sure suck sometimes.

Friday, December 12, 2008


Well today I get LASIK eye surgery. By the end of this day I hopefully won't need glasses anymore.

I'm a little freaked out about it just cause of 'fear of the unknown' and also a laser cutting my eyes working its voodoo magic.

However, I have a GREAT doctor who is well known and respected in his field and I've spoken with lots of satisfied people that have had it done. It seems to be a no-brainier.

Here's hoping all goes well and I end up with Superman X-Ray vision, but I'd settle for 20/20 without glasses.

UPDATE - Sunday at 5:25PM CST

The surgery was a success! For the first time since 6th grade I'm glasses free. Pretty strange!

It's been 2 days since the surgery and I'm seeing good for the most part and without glasses!! My vision is a little blurry and cloudy at times (expected through the healing process).

However, I had my check-up appointment yesterday and it appears that I'm seeing at least 20/20 in both eyes and even 20/15 in my left eye so far. It'll be about 3-4 weeks before my vision improves and adjusts as I heal. However, so far no glasses and I'm seeing 20/20. Not bad.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

How did we get here?!?!

Happy Birthday ... me.

Well I'm not entirely sure how I made it this far, nor do I want to quite believe it. However, I'm officialy 30 now. I'm not necessarly seeing 30 as old (although it kind of feels like it), but I'm trying to stay optimistic and enjoy the moment.

I say goodbye to my twenties. They were quick, young and fabulous and I will miss them. However, I now open a new chapter and look forward to some more mature, self-realized and fun years ahead in my thirties.

I must say I got to celebrate my b-day in style. My girlfriend threw me a surprise party last weekend and I had no clue! I had a great time and was once again reminded of what a great lady she is. I'll post a rather funny video of the "surprise" later this week.

Happy Birthday ... me.