Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sick Of Traveling

Been doing A LOT of traveling for work this month with getting 7 TV spots shot ... in a month.

Click below to see the, rather hilarious, Ze Frank explanation of how traveling sucks.

the show with zefrank

If you are unfamiliar with Ze Frank's video blog. Familarize yourself here!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Busy with a Crackberry

Well, I've been super busy at work lately traveling all over the US and going crazy to get 7 TV spots flimed inside of a month. I've come to the realization that seeing the Atlantic Ocean (Maine) and then the Pacific Ocean (California) within 3 days probably qualifies as too much travel. Well got 2 spots down and 4 more to go. Whoopee!!!

However, what adds injury to insult is that last Friday I was given a Crackberry ... err, I mean a Blackberry at work. While, seemingly cool at first (taking your email, and the internet with you wherever you go) it quickly becomes the WORST THING EVER as you learn that you now NEVER leave work. Your email and phone calls come with you wherever you go. NOOOO!!!! And it's all at the ease of your fingertips so you have to check that email every 5 seconds. "What's that I got a message? WHAT?!?! I have to get 'x' to John by 5pm? And it's a Saturday? Sh*#!"

Word of the wise, if you are given the option of getting a Crackberry at work. Turn it down! You'll be happier.

Not too uplifting of a post, I realize, but hopefully by beggining of April I'll be able to post some pics of the TV shoots and my travels and be in a better mood.

Later all!