Monday, February 26, 2007

Random Picture Day

No real original thought to share today. So here's a pic I took of a Grandma and her granddaughter feeding the birds outside a temple in Kyoto, Japan. Really cute kid.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Pretty Pictures

Well I had this idea to apply this technique to a couple of photos I took about a month ago, but I got sidetracked and my friend Mikey beat me to the punch. So now I just look unoriginal to those that frequent our blogs.

Oh well, they still make for pretty pictures. So there! I guess I'll go in the corner and pout now.

Monday, February 19, 2007

At work listening to System of a Down

Well I’m in my office, behind my desk, listening to System of a Down on a boring Monday afternoon. And I’ve made a random observation…

I shouldn’t listen to System of a Down, while at work.

This isn’t cause I can get in trouble, nor am I offending anyone, nor is it even due to the many colorful lyrics peppered with the magical “f-bomb.”

However, I’ve found that when listening to System of a Down (especially on a boring Monday at work) I have the urge to get up and start running around the office, while kicking over file cabinets and crashing into people’s cubicals. Not exactly a career advancing move.

Perhaps this music is just best left for activities like: reckless driving, mosh pits and working out. Huh.

UPDATE: 4:15pm

I got a new couple of CDs, and have switched to Big Band Music of the Fabulous Forties. Much more "office friendly" with it's soothing, yet peppy tone. Only drawback is it feels like I should be watching old Looney Tunes cartoons here. What up Doc?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

V-Day Sucks!

I am of course referring to Valentine’s Day. Not the V-Day signifying “Victory Day” in celebration of the Allies over the Nazis in WWII.

Not to sound too negative here, but V-Day is way too overrated. It’s the one day where couples everywhere (especially guys) feel pressure to go out of their way and express their love for their significant other. Why should this one-day be different than any other? If you love your significant other they already know it, right? Well, I don’t know, but V-Day always seems to be an unnecessarily stressful day for most.

Every year I see a flood of people (mostly guys) running to and fro (yes I just typed ‘to and fro’) stores, skyways (downtown MPLS) and street vendors with armfuls of last minute gift ideas such as: flowers, red hearts (containing chocolates), and other random gifts. And these people always seem stressed out over-thinking the situation.

Yes, true I’m currently single. But that isn’t coloring my somewhat negative judgment here. Last year at this time I wasn’t single. I was seeing this girl and I started to stress out about what I should do for V-Day, just like everyone else. I asked myself, “Should I get her something? Do I need to plan something extravagant? What if I don’t? What’ll happen then?” Well, we talked it out and enjoyed a quiet, low-key dinner for two. Turned out to be a great evening. But I almost fell into the ‘V-Day’ trap!

All I’m saying is this V-Day don’t stress out and fall into the Greeting Card companies' trap. If you love someone, tell them yourself. That’s what it’s all about. Don’t feel you need a cheap cardboard red heart containing candies to do the job. Just my 2 cents.

Happy V-Day everyone.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The government stole from me

Well it's that annoying time of year, once again. Tax time! Well for most people it's around April 15th as they scramble from months of procrastination with the fear of the IRS coming for them. But I'm not one to procrastinate, so I usually get my taxes done around beginning of February.

I got my W-2s, my renter's credit form and it's time to get down to business. And since I'm single, rent an apartment, and have no debt. That usually means my taxes take about 10 mins on any tax software program. However, it's still annoying with the constant fear that I forgot something, or didn't deduct enough so the government will screw me over one way or another.

However, everything checked out. And I'm happy to say there is a refund in my future this year! There hasn't been the last couple, so it's a nice change of pace. So, take that! ... taxes

But, refunds are a funny thing. At first it's this feeling of excitement and pure joy as you get what you would think is "free money." However, then comes the slow realization that you are actually getting your own money back, which the government stole from you.

So my reaction usually goes something like this, "Sweet! Awesome, money back! ..... huh? ..... wait..... HEY, that's my money!!! Stupid taxes."

Oh well, at least I've got another year done.

Friday, February 09, 2007


'Random Picture Day' here at Captain Random Headquarters.'s a picture of a "ducky" that was hangin' out in my hotel room in Santa Monica, CA. Stay true!

Linky Time:

How professors really grade papers (Props to Pete for the find)

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Greatest Commercial EVER - Goulet!!

I didn't watch the Superbowl this year, which is a bit sacrilegious for me since I work in Advertising. However, I was checking out the commercials online today, when low and behold what do I find? An Emerald Nut commercial centered around "Robert Goulet." Sheer Screaming Genius!!

As I watched this commercial I was awe struck and once it was done I started to laugh uncontrollably and finished with saying (to myself) "That was the greatest commercial I've ever seen!" A co-worker happened to be walking by at the time and asked me if I was talking to myself. I tried to explain, but was speechless from what I had just witnessed. She figured it out soon enough, and agreed that it was a truly great commercial.

So enough of my yapping. If you haven't seen it click below and enjoy the creative brilliance that is a creepy Robert Goulet for Emerald Nuts!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Movie Trailer Spoofs

Must Love Jaws

10 Things I Hate about Commandments

Glen & Gary & Glen & Ross (viewer discretion is advised)

Friday, February 02, 2007

Too Frigin' Cold

To all of those people who complained that the first half of our Minnesota Winter was too warm (40 degrees) and no snow. Well you more than got your wish now (below zero temps and lots of snow). I have the frostbite to prove it.

I hope your happy, cause I'm not.

Update: 2/6/07

Fifth straight day of below zero temps and snowing outside this morning like a MoFo. Winter in MN is fantastic! (minus the fantastic)