Sunday, February 11, 2007

The government stole from me

Well it's that annoying time of year, once again. Tax time! Well for most people it's around April 15th as they scramble from months of procrastination with the fear of the IRS coming for them. But I'm not one to procrastinate, so I usually get my taxes done around beginning of February.

I got my W-2s, my renter's credit form and it's time to get down to business. And since I'm single, rent an apartment, and have no debt. That usually means my taxes take about 10 mins on any tax software program. However, it's still annoying with the constant fear that I forgot something, or didn't deduct enough so the government will screw me over one way or another.

However, everything checked out. And I'm happy to say there is a refund in my future this year! There hasn't been the last couple, so it's a nice change of pace. So, take that! ... taxes

But, refunds are a funny thing. At first it's this feeling of excitement and pure joy as you get what you would think is "free money." However, then comes the slow realization that you are actually getting your own money back, which the government stole from you.

So my reaction usually goes something like this, "Sweet! Awesome, money back! ..... huh? ..... wait..... HEY, that's my money!!! Stupid taxes."

Oh well, at least I've got another year done.


MikeyB said...

Do you get much back from the renters credit? I filed it a few times, I maybe got $20 bucks and some times $0 because my income was too high.

Captain Random said...

I've gotten money back from the renters credit, in past years.

However, now I suffer from the same problem. Income is too high, so I don't get anything back.

A blessing and a curse I guess.

MikeyB said...

I guess that makes sense since you don't have roommates. I've always have had a roommate so they split the renters credit causing my income to be far to high for a return.