Saturday, April 26, 2008

All you need is LOVE ... SUBARU

Just like the Beatles said: all you need is LOVE ... and a BIG budget, and a lot of hard work and traveling all over the country to shoot TV spots.

Well at long last the campaign I've been working on (along with a lot of other talented folks) for Subaru has launched last Thursday (April 24th).

Here's the NY Times article that talks about the LOVE campaign we launched for Subaru (if anyone is interested):

Trying to Connect in a Crowded Market
By Stewart Elliot
NY Times
April 24, 2008

Chances are you may now even see a TV spot or two when you're watching TV. Hopefully, things will slow down a bit at work, but I'm guessing probably not.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Well I successfully have rid my body of my tonsils and adenoids!!

The surgery Friday morning was a success. I woke up in the recovery room after the surgery to pain in my mouth of missing tonsils and adenoids, and not a pair of breast implants or an amputated foot or hand by mistake. So thank God for small miracles!

And even though I'm in a fair amount of pain and still out of it I'm surprised how well I'm doing with the recovery.

Thanks to all who have been sending well wishes and praying for me! It's appreciated!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Countdown...

Well t-minus 4 days and counting until I go under the knife on Friday.

I'm ridding my body of the bacteria traps known as tonsils and adenoids. No I'm not five, but somehow they have made my life quite painful over the last 9 months and it's finally time for the little buggers to come out!!! I'm looking forward to it, and also looking forward to not being on antibiotics everyday and sick all the time. It'll be a lot of pain at first, but I say bring it on. It'll be well worth it in the long run.

Now I guess I get to test that "ice cream" theory.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Where the heck have you been?!?

Good question! Since the last week in February (over a month) I've been traveling all over the US shooting TV spots for Subaru. It's been a lot of hard work, and fun at times, but haven't been home much and the title to this entry is a question I've heard A LOT lately. Let me just say it's good to be home!

Over the past month I've been in sub-zero temperatures, seen the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean (at times within the same week), been frostbit and sunburned, sick, been on more plane trips than I care to imagine, standing on cliffs, beaches and deserts waiting for the perfect shot ... even saw a few celebs along the way. It's been a wild ride!

All in all, mission accomplished and we got some good TV spots shot. Now we just need to put them together, sell them in and get 'em on air.

Well I've decided to share the past month's adventures with a few pictures below. Just click on each set "title" below to see more pics in each collection, or just click here for the full thing.
(For the interweb non-savvy, click on individual pics below to make them bigger.)




The Goonies?


Me and Wally Pfister (Batman himself. This is the Director of Photography who shot Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and the list goes on. Nicest guy in the world!)

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Back in MPLS

I'm FINALLY back in MPLS, and loving it.

Okay truthfully I'm exhausted, but it's good to finally be done traveling for work and be able to sleep in my own bed.

Pictures of my adventures are to come...