Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What I'm listening to...

Cake - B-Sides and Rarities. After pre-ordering the album and waiting 4-5 months it FINALLY arrived today after much frustration! Well all I can say is good stuff and worth the wait! Long live the CAKE!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Twisted, yet funny!

Work has been quite intense the past few months with helping out on a piece of work my co-workers lovingly refer to as "the hell account" around the Ad Agency. Thank goodness it's only temporary and I can get back to my normal work in the near future!!

Well, I was over at someecards.com and found the below e-card and started to laugh uncontrollably. If you've never been over there, click yourself through the interweb and enjoy the humor (some say twisted) of someecards.com (ecards for when you care enough to hit send).

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Well I can't quite believe it, but I FINALLY got a bike. After about 3-5 years of Pete and Mikey B bugging me I finally broke down and purchased a bike. Actually, I bought Mikey B's bike since he was getting a new one (for him). I'm still a runner at heart, so it'll probably just sit there and collect dust, but at least I've taken the first step into a larger world.

So to Pete and Mikey B this is your official notice to S.T.F.U. on the whole "Get a Bike" issue. I finally got one. ;)

Have a bike-tastic day everyone!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Camping Trip Pics

Well last weekend the PL Pride crew (Eric, Kris, Mikey B, Pete, Corey, Mel, Aimee, Anne, and Liz) and I all ventured out to camp at Lake Bemidji State Park. Let me assure you that good times were had by all! It was great to get away from the daily grind and enjoy some time outdoors with some good friends.

For all the pictures of the great american camping adventure click here. Otherwise, scroll down for some highlights/let downs and a few select pics.

The Highlights:

- Itasca State Park (standing on the headwaters of the Mississippi, and climbing the Fire Tower)
- Discovering Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Smores
- Running along the Paul Bunyan Expressway (is that the name?)
- Enjoying nature and all that crap
- Camping with an air matress to sleep on
- Ending the trip with Taco Johns ... Oh Yeah!!

The Let Downs:

- The Lost Forty (40 acres of mosquitos, not trees ... skip it)
- Chiggers (Swimmer's Itch warnings for Lake Bemidji. Didn't go swimming!)
- Forgetting the air matress to sleep on the first night. Ouch!

Atop the FIRE TOWER!!

Headwaters of the Mississippi

Bonfire Bonding

The Zoey Monster

Best Food Ever!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Things I don't understand #34: Women's Sunglasses

Seems like wherever I go (be it shopping, running around the lakes, or even just grabbing some lunch during the workday) I see women wearing gargantuan sunglasses. It's as if there is a secret unspoken competition among women to see who can wear the biggest sunglasses.

Why is this? I don't understand. Is it a skin aversion to sunblock, so instead you try to cover your entire face with sunglasses? And every time I look the sunglasses get bigger. I saw a pair yesterday, as I was out running around Lake Harriet, that would put Harry Caray to shame.

Is this just one of those things that guys will never understand? One of those secret unspoken things, like the reason women always go to the bathroom in groups is cause they have pool and foosball tables in their bathrooms?

I guess I'll never know.

Saturday, July 07, 2007


Well a weird date demands a weird week. Man, what a strange week this has been. A series of high's and low's.

The highs ... 4th of July and some good times with friends and family.

The lows ... an insanely busy work week clocking in over 60 hellish hours and working on the weekend. Yuck! And today Africa Hot temps in the 90's.

Well at least I have some more of the weekend to enjoy and focus on my big camping trip for next weekend up in Bemidji State Park with some good friends. High Five.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Question

Well I'm jumping on the bandwagon here. Mikey B, Corey and Mel have all posted this so why shouldn't I?

The question: "What do you want to do before you die?"

• Learn Karate
• Learn to sword fight (no, seriously I want to do this!)
• Do Voice Over work professionally (I'd love to quit my job and just do this)
• Work on and help make a big-budget film (that doesn't suck)
• Learn to play the guitar (better), and play the drums (and then play in a band)
• Travel – Pyramids in Egypt, Greece, Italy, New Zealand, anywhere in South America, and Chicago (never been believe it or not)
• Paint a picture
• Own a house on a lake
• Run a marathon
• Write a book or short story

To name a few...