Sunday, December 28, 2008

Question: What is the worst idea ever?

Answer: To go to Mall of America on the Saturday after Christmas.

It's a decision I immediately regretted.

For some reason, the girlfriend and I decided to go to MOA on the Saturday after Christmas. The only problem is so did the entire world.

After reaching MOA and finally finding a parking spot (on the top level of the parking ramp) we only hit up two stores before leaving (H+M and Best Buy). We faced hordes of people, 30 minute check out lines, and crying and whiny kids. It sucked!

By the time we left MOA (20 minutes later) there was a 3-4 mile back up on Cedar Ave. to get onto the off-ramp for Mall of America. Just WOW!

People sure suck sometimes.


LDH said...

Andy, Andy...if only you lived 1.5 miles from the Mall of America, you would realize the only time to go there (or Ikea) is on Tuesday nights. No one but you would be there.

Captain Random said...

Tuesday nights, huh?

I was bored out of my mind last Tuesday night. I should hit up MOA and IKEA on Tuesday nights from now on.

Good thinking!