Friday, January 18, 2008

Random Thought #77 - Wes Anderson Films

As I was getting ready for work this morning I was thinking (and quoting) movies, as I often do. And I quoted a great line from the movie Rushmore.

Max Fischer: "So you were in Vietnam if I'm not mistaken?"
Herman Blume: "Yeah, that's right."
Max Fischer: "So you were in the shit?"
Herman Blume: "Yeah, I was in the shit."

This made me remember how much I LOVE Wes Anderson films! He's easily one of my top 10 favorite directors. However, my favorite film of his is easily Rushmore. It's the first film I saw of his, and in the theater, and I instantly loved it watching the whole thing with a great big smile on my face. Everyone always says that their favorite film of Wes Anderson is The Royal Tenenbaums. I disagree. It's a great film, but I like Rushmore so much better.

Anyways, that's my random thought for today.

Someone cue the song "Making Time" by Creation. Rock out!


MikeyB said...

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou...favorite.

Captain Random said...

That's a good one too.

Forever in search of the Jaguar Shark!