Monday, May 14, 2007

Parking lot Parenting

Over my lunch break today I made a stop at everyone’s favorite French department store … Target. And what I witnessed really made me think about how parents scold their kids. Well here’s the story…

I parked my car, got out and as I approached the front door of Target I checked for traffic. However, as I was doing this my attention was immediately diverted to the store’s entrance where an overweight, unkempt and all-around scary mother (whom I’ll call ‘Large Marge’) was yelling at her daughter who’s arms were folded with a stern face as she intently studied the ground for any imperfections.

Large Marge walked out of Target and started yelling, “Well that’s just TOO DAMN BAD. You know when YOU make THE MONEY and GET A JOB you can get WHATEVER YOU WANT!!! But until then, I MAKE THE MONEY! SO TOUGH!!” (You tell her Marge! Yikes.)

It was quite the scene. I thought for a little while there that Marge was going to “slap the sense” right onto her daughter face. But alas, she didn’t.

As I beheld this parenting spectacle I couldn't help feel like this whole episode embarrassed the parent more than the child. The kid totally ignored her mother, and could’ve cared less. While passersby instead watched Marge (who looked crazy) and silently made judgment calls.

I guess in the future if you’re going to yell at (or slap) your kids do it in private or at least wait till you get to the car because well … everyone is always watching!

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