Friday, November 03, 2006

Red Bull ‘Art of the Can’ Exhibit – A Tale of Fake People

So last night I found myself at the Weisman Art Museum for the private showing of the Red Bull ‘Art of the Can’ Contest – Sculpture Exhibit. First off, I was there because my ad agency, sponsored by Red Bull, had a number of people who did a couple of sculptures that made it into the show.

Going into the event I wasn't sure what to expect other than the event should be pretty laid back with a bunch of free Red Bull around and some cool young “extreme sport” type of people. Right? Umm….yeah. I was wrong.

First off, my group and I stroll in (sporting our fancy t-shirts and jeans) around 9:30pm; 2.5 hours after the exhibit has started. The place is PACKED!! And the men are in fancy suits with black ties and the women in even fancier revealing dresses.

Secondly, from my keen observation skills I quickly realized you either fell into one of three categories.
  • Category 1 - You were an artist with weird misunderstood (for a reason) clothing and hair that looked like you just woke up.
  • Category 2 - You were a boorish pretentious bastard artist-wannabe that wouldn’t talk to anyone because you thought you were above it all. ....OR
  • Category 3 – You were severely underdressed (and uninformed) because what you thought was going to be a laid back fun event (like it said on the invitation) really wasn’t accurate at all.
All in all, despite our expectations being WAY OFF. It was a good time. We all enjoyed: free Vodka Red Bull drinks all night long, jaw droppingly hot women to look at (always nice), some pretty cool looking sculptures made out of Red Bull cans and some interesting artists to talk to.

What was really funny about the night though is how everyone there took the exhibit and everything so seriously. Come on people, this the Red Bull ‘Art of the Can’ Contest at the Weisman in Minnesota. We're not socialist fashionistas looking for the next potential Picasso in New York City. So adjust your expectations (and attitudes) accordingly.

If you want to check out the Red Bull ‘Art of the Can’ Exhibit. It opens to the public this Saturday, Nov. 4th -12th at the Weisman Art Museum in Minneapolis. Click here for details. And keep drinking that Red Bull.

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