Monday, March 06, 2006

Good Movie ... Bad Movie

This weekend I saw one GOOD MOVIE and one BAD MOVIE. Here is the review:

Nightwatch…Good Movie

This Russian horror-action film is the first in a planned epic trilogy. Nightwatch focuses around the classic story of good vs. evil, but with an updated twist. You learn that long ago the sides of good and evil made a truce, as both sides were evenly matched and no favorable outcome was possible. Fast forward to present day, and Nightwatch is the story set-in modern day Russia how the forces of good are keeping the forces of evil in check. And both sides are on the look out for the prophesied “chosen one” that will shift the balance either for good or evil. Originally, this film was released in Russia in 2004 and became the top grossing film of all time and from there was distributed to the rest of the world and eventually the US.

I really enjoyed this film, and I would recommend it! I felt it had an interesting story and was entertaining enough whether you’re the skeptical film critic right or more along the needs of the action packed masses. My only gripe however was it left me wanting more, feeling there should have been a little more to the story. However, this is a planned trilogy and I will be tuning in for the next movie Daywatch, which you will see a preview for at the end of the movie if you stay to watch the credits.

And for the illiterate, this movie is in Russian and contains English subtitles. You are warned!

Ultraviolet … Bad Movie

Well somewhere out there is a movie just waiting to be made where Milla Jovovich is an unbelievably attractive badass heroine, with a great story that leaves audiences wanting more. Sadly, that was not this movie. I wanted it to be…desperately. But it was not!

Ultraviolet to me was a wannabe Vampire movie without the blood, and often brandished lines a 13-year-old would utter on the playground right before a fight. Example, “Now, it’s on!”

If you are going to admire Milla Jovovich for her beauty as a supermodel, then you will be satisfied. However, if you are looking for a good movie or well a mediocre movie...well…save your money or go see something else.

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