Saturday, February 23, 2008

Time for an Update

Well I figure it's time for an update for all the family and friends out there.

Well here goes ... started a new job (a different ad agency - downtown MPLS) on Jan. 31st. Been several weeks now and so far, so good. I'm working for Carmichael Lynch on the Subaru Car account. So far everyone I work with is great, my boss is hilarious, and the clients are super nice. A HUGE difference from my last job. So I'm liking it. Only thing is it's a bit crazy right now as I have to get 7 TV spots shot by end of March. So tomorrow it's off to Maine for a week and then after that 3 weeks in California. Could be worse.

As you may or may not be aware, I've been sick off and on for the past 7 months. Whenever I go off antibiotics I get a crazy sore throat and a bunch of other symptoms. It sucks!! Well the doc finally decided it was time to put a stop to things and I'm officially getting my tonsils and adnoids out. I'm scheduled to go under the knife on April 18th, once the craziness at work dies down. Hopefully, I won't be in too much pain. I've been told it can be pretty bad as an adult, but I need them out so I'm ready.

Other then that, things are good ... can't complain.


Melanie said...

Have fun with all of your traveling!! (It got me thinking...I'm glad we got you a travel bag for a 'being in our wedding' gift...hope you have found it useful. If not, that's o.k.)

Good luck with your sister got hers out two years ago. She was in some pain, but I guess it's more painful when you're older. You'll be fine. Think of it thise'll be less sick!!

Captain Random said...

Thanks for the travel case. I use it all the time. For real!!

And yes, I will be in pain but I welcome it at this point if I stop getting sick all the dang time. I'm hoping for a sick-free enjoyable summer.