Monday, May 15, 2006

Babies make us stupid

This weekend I was reminded of another sad "human truth" that us as homosapiens are powerless to resist. Believe me, if you think about it there are many sad "human truths" that span all across the globe no matter who you are or where you come from. As long as you are human, you will do it!! For example, why is it that when you pass a billboard on the side of the road with a car full of people someone will read the billboard out loud? I mean everyone in the car can read and is looking right at the billboard, right?!? Yet this one person feels compelled to read it out loud for everyone to hear just in case there is a dyslexic person in the car. Or why is it that when you see one person looking up in the sky (at nothing in particular) you will get other people to stop and look up (at nothing in particular) for long periods of time. Ever experience a traffic jam?

Well the one sad "human truth" in particular I was reminded of this weekend was how babies make people stupid. Don't get me wrong. I like babies; they are cute and all, and I even hope to have one of my own some day. That and well we sort of need them to survive as a species. But this weekend I was with my family at church. Before church started I was talking with several people I hadn't seen in a long time. We were having an intelligent conversation, and then someone brought over a newborn baby for us to meet and look at. I watched the group simultaneously go from intelligent to Cro-Magnon in about .02 seconds. It was scary! Everyone changed their posture (slumping over), raised their eyebrows, mouth agape, and then dropping about 100 IQ points proceeded to speak in an inaudible language not even known to babies. Seriously, even the baby was looking at these people like they were retarded. It was just funny (and really sad at the same time)!! I think I even heard the word, "Shmoopie" a couple of times. Yes, the baby was really cute, don't get me wrong, but standing a little back from the group I watched as this sad experiment in human nature unfolded and I just realized that...babies make us stupid. It's just one of those things. I couldn't help but roll my eyes and go find my seat.

Next time you are faced with one of these situations don't let human nature take over! Resist and watch as the rest of the group falls victim to dumb human instinct. If nothing else, it's usually entertaining to watch.

1 comment:

Captain Random said...

Me too, man. Me too!