Sunday, November 18, 2007

Walker Art Center

I'm a lover of art. I truly enjoy going to art museums and looking at paintings, sculptures, and photography. I even enjoy attempting to create some myself. However, I'm not sure I really 'get' Modern Art, as most of it seems to me somewhere between the artist wasn't even trying and/or the playful attempts of a misguided kindergartner.

On Saturday, the girlfriend and I, headed out to the Walker Art Center to check out some Modern Art, and more importantly the Frida Kahlo (paintings) exhibit that's being advertised all over the place.

Well the modern art exhibits I have seen before at the Walker. There are a few particular pieces that I really enjoy and remember seeing from when I was a kid, but for the most part most of the exhibits went over my head and had my girlfriend saying, "That crap is art? I could do that!"

However, the Frida Kahlo paintings were worth the trip! Frida Kahlo the Mexican (unibrow lady) artist had a troubled life that inspired some really creepy paintings. Typically, the paintings that you see advertised or that she is most famous for are her self portraits (again the unibrow). What would seem like pretty "safe" and "acceptable" paintings. However, this was a woman that was constantly sick, had a number of miscarriages and marital problems, quite the difficult life and as thus inspired her very morbid and strange painting style.

The majority of Frida Kahlo's paintings involved ghastly and morbid images of sickness and death. The paintings were a bit creepy, but I REALLY enjoyed them. What I didn't enjoy however was the billion and two people trying to get into the exhibt along with Bob the misunderstood artist who was so misunderstood he hadn't taken a shower in a century. (Oh Bob, you don't need to reek to get attention. You are supposed to do that with your art!) Oh well, I'd say the exhibit was still worth the trip, and dealing with a few stinky artists. Check it out!

As I was prohibited from taking pictures at most of the exhibits I don't have any pics to share there, but below are a few pics of areas I could take pics of at the Walker. Enjoy the adventure!

Modern Art!


MikeyB said...

Looks like a spoon is coming out of your head.

Captain Random said...

It is. It's not an easy thing to live with. Very hard to wear hats, and people stare a lot.