Monday, November 26, 2007

10 years later...

This past weekend I attended my 10-year High School Reunion. Quite the surreal adventure! It was hard for me to believe it had been 10 years already, but time really does fly. Truth be told I had a good time and I'm glad I went.

It was held in the ever classy VFW in Prior Lake, MN last Saturday. I decided I didn't want to fly solo, and I wasn't going to subject the girlfriend to a bunch of total strangers, so I called up a buddy of mine from high school. Strength In Numbers, my friends, Strength In Numbers!! My friend Ben was up for the challenge, so off we went to the PL VFW to re-live some Class of 1997 high school adventures!

Upon entering the VFW my ears were immediately hit with a deafening blow from a crappy band playing country music. I walk into the VFW to see a dance floor filled with couples in their 60s-70s dancing up a storm like it was 1920. What the heck? Did I go forward in time and not realize it? Did everyone get really old? Where's Marty McFly? Doc Brown? Delorian? Just then, I spot some friends and familiar faces on the other side of the room and realize the reunion was being held on the "other" side of the VFW.

Well to sum up, like I said, quite the adventure! All in all a good time, and more people than I expected showed up. I found enough time had passed where people had matured and had enough time to actually do something with their lives. Not everyone took that opportunity, mind you, but most did. Some people changed, some didn't, and about 60%-70% of the guys lost their hair. Those were the main take-aways. Also, some hot girls stayed hot, and most did NOT!

The one point to note from the evening is as follows. First off, there was this kid in high school that was constantly picked on. His name was Brian. In high school he was awkward, shy, had no friends, and constantly ridiculed and beat up. (Not by me for the record). Heck, I voted him most likely to show up at our 10-year reunion with an AK-47 and exact his glorious revenge! However, he did not. Instead he took the high road and showed up, mingled and enjoyed the evening. I talked to Brian for a bit. He was still awkward, but after college joined the Navy and defended our country, which entailed a 3-year tour in Japan, and another 2-years at Virginia Beach. I salute those in our armed forces. It is something I don't think I could do and I truly look up to those who defend us, our country and our freedom.

Which brings me to the other point of my story. Well with the underdog there inevitably has to then be a bully. Enter Jake the Snake. Jake was the kid throughout his school career (K-12) that was the class bully. Always a total asshole, and thought he was really cool. (I'm sure you know the type.) Truly the guy you (and everyone else) loved to hate! Well Jake showed up at the reunion (10 years later) and NOTHING had changed. Still the same asshole as ever!

Throughout the course of the evening Jake managed to pick about 5 fights, punch 2 people, knock over a lady spilling her drink, and get into a fight with his old girlfriend. All while being drunk and spitting chewing-tobacco everywhere. He even decided to make a classy wardrobe choice and show up in a well-chosen Mossy Oak camo hunting hat and baggy clothes. Way to go, Jake! Truly a modern-day Seabass (for all your Dumb & Dumber fans), if there ever was one. Just a TOTAL LOSER!

The part that really pissed me off in the night, however was this. I'm talking with Brian (the kid that was picked on in high school) and impressed that he made something of his life and more then that defended our country and our freedom. The freedom we take for granted on a daily basis. Then out of nowhere, Jake shows up (as we are talking) and punches Brian in the stomach and walks back to the bar. NO WARNING, NO REASON ... just a TOTAL ASSHOLE!! I was stunned, speechless. (I still am thinking about it.) I couldn't comprehend what just happened. All I could yell out was, "What the FUCK was that for you ASSHOLE?!?" But it was too late, Jake had left and didn't hear me and everyone was engaged in their conversations and drinking their beer. It was if no one had noticed the travesty that just happened. Brian shrugged it off like the gentleman he was, and made the best of the evening.

I still can't believe it. Here is a total loser (Jake) that has done nothing with his life except inflict pain and torment on others. And what does he do 10 years later showing the mentality of a 14-year old? Punches a veteran at the VFW. Someone who has provided him the daily freedoms he takes for granted. Someone that allows him the right to be an asshole and a drain on our society on a daily basis. I'm stunned!!

Well this post is turning into a novel and a rant, but that last particular incident was really bothering me and I had to get it out in the hopes it will quit angering me. Overall, believe it or not, it was an enjoyable evening and good to see old classmates. The only advice I can give is if you get the chance please DO go to your 10-year reunion, you will have a good time. And if you do see Jake stranded on the side of the road, please make an extra effort to swerve and HIT the bastard!

Class of '97 kixx ass!!!


anne elizabeth fern said...

It wasn't a polka band. They were playing country music all night. I thought they weren't too bad. Sorry they seemed crappy to you.

Captain Random said...

They were playing all kinds of stuff. I thought when I walked in it was polka. I guess I just hate Country music so my mind makes up other genres to fool myself whenever Country music is played.

I did hear a cover of Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire later in the evening which I thought was good. Who doesn't like Johnny Cash?

anne elizabeth fern said...

I think you should take this as an opportunity to take a trip to Wisconsin to bolster your polka-identifying abilities :)

Corey said...

Andy. Jake decked me as well. Right in the stomach. I was so stunned that he did that, I had no response. I wish I would have laid him out but that wouldn't have been a smart move, I suppose. If I ever seem him again and he tries that crap, I'm going to stab him in the jaw!

Captain Random said...

ARE YOU F'N SERIOUS???!?! He punched you? Dude, you should have told me I would have got your back and we could have gotten the PL posse to lay that MF'er out!!

I agree you probably took the high road and did the smart thing not doing anything, but damn that guy is an ASSHOLE and I wanted to deck him.

I say we get the group together and do an A-Team mission!

pete said...

He has never pulled that shit with me. But I guess I have known him since we were little kids. I actually get along with him. You just have to learn how to talk/deal with him.

10 years is long enough to let your grudges go, let Jake be Jake and let him have to deal with his life and how he acts. He doesn't impact your everyday life so it isn't going to do much to complain about it. :\

MikeyB said...

Dude the band was playing Johnny Cash. They were good.

As for Jake...I didn't see any of it but if I did we would have to get the posse together and beat the shit out of him. I would go to jail for that.

Captain Random said...

Me too, man, me too. I would have gone to jail for that as well.

Funny thing is I had forgotten all about Jake and upon entering and seeing him at the reunion I actually at first wanted to go over and talk to him to see if he had changed. Then later on I saw him punch Brian and the rage and frustration came out, hence my entry.

Oh well, chances are I'll never see that loser again and that's just fine with me.

Aimee said...

reading what you guys are saying is so funny.
Such big talk, big men, grunt grunt grunt!!!!

pete said...

Right on Aimee! :D

Captain Random said...

We should break out some power tools and go to a Monster Truck rally and we'd be set!

Melanie said...

I know...I laugh harder when I think of Dosdall, Mikey B. and Corey kicking ass. Hahaha. I'd pay to see that!

We all know Pete can get something going, remember the 'Cake' Concert?

Unknown said...

i'm actually hanging out with jake tonight. we're gonna kick all ya'lls asses!