Friday, December 12, 2008


Well today I get LASIK eye surgery. By the end of this day I hopefully won't need glasses anymore.

I'm a little freaked out about it just cause of 'fear of the unknown' and also a laser cutting my eyes working its voodoo magic.

However, I have a GREAT doctor who is well known and respected in his field and I've spoken with lots of satisfied people that have had it done. It seems to be a no-brainier.

Here's hoping all goes well and I end up with Superman X-Ray vision, but I'd settle for 20/20 without glasses.

UPDATE - Sunday at 5:25PM CST

The surgery was a success! For the first time since 6th grade I'm glasses free. Pretty strange!

It's been 2 days since the surgery and I'm seeing good for the most part and without glasses!! My vision is a little blurry and cloudy at times (expected through the healing process).

However, I had my check-up appointment yesterday and it appears that I'm seeing at least 20/20 in both eyes and even 20/15 in my left eye so far. It'll be about 3-4 weeks before my vision improves and adjusts as I heal. However, so far no glasses and I'm seeing 20/20. Not bad.


Bryen said...

I have an appointment scheduled for January at UC-Berkeley to do mine.... let me know how this comes out!

Melanie said...

YAY! I hope all goes well.

Captain Random said...

Well it's the day after surgery. Surgery went really quick and well. I'd recommend it! Eyes hurt for the first day, but got better the day after.

Vision is a little cloudy/foggy and words aren't crisp looking as they were, but I'm told it's totally normal for the first 2 weeks.

I had my eyes checked this morning and I'm seeing better than 20/20. I couldn't believe it.

Bryen said...

did you go back to work the next day? I suppose I'm pretty much committed seeing as how I already budgeted in the pre-tax thing for it.. but you know, you get nervous. I have it scheduled for January 5th or something like that... supposed to go to NYC that week so I might move it.

Captain Random said...

You probably could go to work the next day. If you can take it off I'd recommend it.

My eyes hurt the day of surgery and were light sensitive, but I slept a lot and by the next day they felt a lot better. I even went out and hung out with friends the next day.

So work would be doable, but probably a little annoying.

They also say that everyone reacts differently.