Monday, January 30, 2006

The Gym … Too Many New Year’s Resolutions

Well it’s January so that must mean it’s time to make some meaningless New Years Resolutions. Now please don’t get me wrong, to all the brave inspired souls out there able to make a New Year’s Resolution, stick to it, and improve the quality of life for you and others, well reader…I applaud you. Congrats!

But for most people it starts out as a half-baked guiltily conceived mis-thought that usually involves going to “the gym” more. And thus, leads us to the subject of this entry.

Seriously, no matter what time I go to workout at the gym the place is packed. Searching for a parking space is like trying to find the Holy Grail. Well let’s just say, the Holy Grail hasn’t been found yet if that’s any indication. And once the impossible becomes possible and I park there are more annoyances as I’m forced to wait for the weights or a machine. Ahhh!!! Oh well, I’m sure it will die down in about mid-February where most people sink back into bad habits. In the meantime, if you need me I’ll be circling the parking lot at the St. Louis Park – Northwest Athletic Club. (Hey, there's a spot! Nope, nevermind ...)


pete said...

I told you, go to Life Time, it dies down around 9:00PM :)

MikeyB said...
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MikeyB said...

LifeTime is just as bad. Plus it sounds like you have some guys in the locker room fishing for some man trout over there.

Pete congrants on finally getting cable. Now you can watch the Wild games :)

Captain Random said...

Lifetime. Yes, a very good option. However, there really isn't one close to me so I'm stuck with the overpopulated and overpriced NorthWest Athletic Club. BOO!!!

pete said...

Life Time isn't as bad because you don't have to leave @ 11PM. People tend to spread out more thoughout the night because it is 24hrs. Anyway New Years people suck. :)