Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Wood Ticks Everywhere!!

This last weekend marked the first official paintball-camping weekend at Andyland (my friend Andy’s land about 40 mins east of Brainerd, MN). A bunch of friends and myself go twice a year up to camp and play paintball. It was good to escape to the great outdoors and really enjoy the lo-tec land of no cell phone reception. I think in total I got about 4 hours of sleep. Very restful! If you haven’t got out camping lately with some good friends, a campfire and a few beers, well trust me you need to!

However, the main draw of the weekend was of course PAINTBALL. If you haven’t ever experienced paintball, it’s actually a lot of fun. Yes, the paintballs do hurt when you get hit (I realize no guy will actually admit that fact), but you are usually so hopped up on adrenaline that you don’t notice it. It’s about the closest to combat you’ll come without using real bullets. However, how we play it usually amounts to a bunch of stupid guys shooting at each other in the woods. So not the most professional or controlled of paintball games. But it’s always fun and every game always ends in the most intelligent adrenaline-induced conversations recounting what happened, “Dude, I was going to run, but then I didn’t and then I shot you and then I ran!!” Ahhh…yeah…cool, man.

Well if you ever feel like joining us morons just go here for details and may God help you! We are going again in October.

Here’s a few pics for your viewing pleasure:

Got Wood?


Hamock Represent!!


Ahh crap!!!

Meal in a Bag - Before

Meal in a Bag - After (Yum!)

Taco Johns ... Conquered!!


MikeyB said...

Did that tent come with a bowl of soup?

Captain Random said...

It did actually, however they just kind of poured the bowl of soup into the box with the tent and it had been sitting on the shelf for quite some time. So when I opened it ... well it was pretty gross, needless to say.

Incidently, did your face come with a free hat?

MikeyB said...


so what's the story behind the Taco Johns sign?

Captain Random said...

We were starving on the way home, and were jonesin' for some Taco John's. So we come out and the sign is just sitting there, waiting for a stupid pic. And there you have it.

Highlight of taking that pic, was James saying, "Hurry it up Dosdall, I feel like a tool." To which I respond, "Well you are a tool. So hang on, sally!"

Good times. Good times.

MikeyB said...

Yes, spot on, spot on.