Thursday, August 17, 2006

Thanks for the memories...

Well today marked my last day at my current job. After 3 years and 3 months I'm leaving one Ad agency for another (which I start working at in about a week).

Leaving a job is always an interesting experience, here are a few highlights of what I've found to be true:

- Cleaning your office for the last time is a therapeutic experience. All the "important" files and information I was forced to hold onto for 3 years, I got to throw. I threw everything! Subsequently, I found all the files, and things I've been looking for for the past 3 years, after I cleaned my office...for the last time.

- People are so much friendlier and better to work with your last few days at work.

- You get happier as your workload disappears.

- You are sad to leave the friends you've made.

- Every goodbye you say and do always ends with an awkward pause at the end, no matter how you approach it. After the awkward pause it always ends with someone saying, "Well, thanks again..." and then depart. Hug is optional.

- This is the only time at a job you hope and pray you didn't take any vacation time, because you get your phat vacation check for all the time you didn't take. Oh yeah!!

- Also, taking a week off between jobs is one of the only times you can truly feel free and totally unhindered with no responsibilities. Kinda like summer vacation in High School.

Well, good times were had old agency. And I'm off for a weekend trip to a Brewers game in Milwaukee with the guys and then a week off with nothing to do. It's going to be amazing!

To quote Office Space, “I did nothing. I did nothing and it was everything I thought it could be.” That will be my week off.

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