Monday, February 19, 2007

At work listening to System of a Down

Well I’m in my office, behind my desk, listening to System of a Down on a boring Monday afternoon. And I’ve made a random observation…

I shouldn’t listen to System of a Down, while at work.

This isn’t cause I can get in trouble, nor am I offending anyone, nor is it even due to the many colorful lyrics peppered with the magical “f-bomb.”

However, I’ve found that when listening to System of a Down (especially on a boring Monday at work) I have the urge to get up and start running around the office, while kicking over file cabinets and crashing into people’s cubicals. Not exactly a career advancing move.

Perhaps this music is just best left for activities like: reckless driving, mosh pits and working out. Huh.

UPDATE: 4:15pm

I got a new couple of CDs, and have switched to Big Band Music of the Fabulous Forties. Much more "office friendly" with it's soothing, yet peppy tone. Only drawback is it feels like I should be watching old Looney Tunes cartoons here. What up Doc?

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I think it would be so funny to watch someone go crazy in an it!! Michael Scott, from The Office, would.