Friday, March 02, 2007

Snow Day

Remember when we were kids back in elementary school or even junior high, and how amazing it was when we got a snow day? Well I've forgot that feeling until recently. I remember listening to WCCO radio for them to list all the school closings and when they'd finally said "Prior Lake-Savage Public and Private Schools are closed today". It was like a drug. A magical-wonderful drug. NO SCHOOL!!

Sometimes they'd even announce school closings before I got up for school. I remember my Mom walking in my room and waking me up saying, "Andy, you don't have to wake-up school is closed today." To which I'd respond, "Sweet! Wait ... why did you wake me up then?" But the feeling still stands. Snow Days to a kid are amazing!

Well I got to experience that feeling to a certian extent yesterday. As the clouds above decided to explode and dump mass amounts of that white poop called "snow" here in the Twin Cities. Schools and businesses all over the metro area shut down. At 2pm on Thursday (3/1) I called it quits and went home. Such a great feeling. And this morning as I type this email, I'm still debating on whether or not I'm going in, since 3/4 of the state is still shutdown.

So, if your fortuante enough to experience a 'Snow Day' today. Enjoy it my friend. Connect with your inner child and go build a snow fort.

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