Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Well I didn’t want to be one of “those” people, but I am. I am now on and somewhat addicted to MySpace.com. (You can’t see it, but I’m hanging my head in shame right now). About a month ago I literally had 30 people, randomly throughout the course of a week, tell me that MySpace.com is sooo much fun and I need to get on it like yesterday!! I finally got so fed up that I screamed out “ALRIGHT ALREADY DAMN-IT!!! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!” (in the voice of Adam Sandler from Billy Madison). So I logged onto and signed up for all the mystery and splendor that is MySpace.com. And well I am now one of many human sheep.

Actually, I find it pretty funny. It’s truly an experiment in human nature. You are connected with literally millions of people all over the world in a more intimate way than ever before. I mean, did you know that Bob Smith III from Ft. Worth, Texas is actually a practicing snake handler that drives a volvo, has a speech impediment, likes the movie The Bodyguard, listens to Polka and shoots goats for a living? Me niether...wait a minute... who's Bob Smith III?

Well in addition to finding out things about random strangers I’ve also found people from High School that I haven’t seen in years!! In fact, I just had lunch with a long lost friend the other day because of it. So that’s good right?!? Well my friend, with the good always comes the bad…

I mean for whatever reason people will spends hundreds if not thousands of dollars to protect their personal information from identity thieves, scam artists and terrorists keeping their personal information more secret than the final resting place of Jimmy Hoffa. When it comes to purchasing or signing up for anything online, phone and mail by “secure” means or even filling out medical information at a doctor’s office (information kept under lock and key) we have all been taught to “question” and ask, “Do you really need this?” But when it comes to MySpace.com people without even thinking twice will post every last intimate detail about themselves right down to what their favorite color is, turn-ons, and what they had for dinner last night. Don’t believe me? Check it out! So much for identity security I guess. Not to mention you have all the freaks out there posing as someone they’re not. Hell, for all you know I could be a 90-year-old man from Easter Island, with a fake peg leg and an eye patch. Yar!!!! I’m NOT, but I could be.

Anyways, I’m not sure what the final lesson is out there for all the readers (of one) taking the time to read this entry. I guess it’s a word of caution. MySpace.com can be a lot of fun, but once your information it out there (on the internet) well my friend it’s kind of like trying to take pee out of a swimming pool. Use as much chlorine as you like, it just isn’t going to happen! So use the toilet from now on…errr…I mean be careful how you use MySpace.com. Yes, be careful…that’s the ticket!

Feeling bored? Here’s my MySpace.com profile (needs to be updated…sorry)



Guacaholic said...

One of my friends is a big MySpace proponent, but I have yet to seal the MySpace deal. I'm pretty happy with just having a blog.

Besides that, I don't want anyone from high school to find me, nonetheless judge me. Gives me hives just thinking about it.

Thanks for checking out my blog, bu the way!

MikeyB said...

Yeah I turned into one of those sheep. I even customized my MySpace page...I just want to use it to direct people to my blog.

Captain Random said...

I haven't broken down and "customized" the MySpace.com page, but I'm sure it's not far off sad to say.

Kate - thanks for checking out the blog. And overall, probably a good idea to avoid most people from High School. You never know which ones turned out to be crazy people or child molestors.

MikeyB said...

So who was this 'friend' you ran into on myspace?