Thursday, April 06, 2006

The oldest debate...

Fighting in the Mid-East (Christian, Muslim, or Jew)
Which came first Chicken or the Egg?
Is there life on other planets?
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?

There are some debates that have withstood the test of time and are never meant to be solved, but one overshadows all others and that is the question of what do you actually call the Carbonated Sweet beverage that comes in cans? Pop, Soda or Coke??? I definitely have my own preference to be sure, however this is a question that came up in the events of my life as they unfolded today and frustrated me to no end. I had a conversation with a copywriter I work with on a TV spot, we are doing, and we spent wwwwaaayyyy tooooo long conversing on which term we should use “pop” or “soda”. Seriously, wars have been solved quicker.

I guess that we will just have to agree that we are all wrong; that or you agree with me and just call this magical beverage “pop” once and for all.

If by chance you are looking for facts on this great debate here’s an interesting website:

In the meantime, I'm going to spend my time on things that can be solved quicker like say ... curing cancer.


MikeyB said...

Main Entry: pop
Pronunciation: 'päp
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): popped; pop·ping
Etymology: Middle English poppen, of imitative origin
transitive senses
1 : to strike or knock sharply : HIT
2 : to push, put, or thrust suddenly and often deftly
3 : to cause to explode or burst open
4 : to fire at : SHOOT
5 : to take (pills) especially frequently or habitually
6 : to open with a pop (pop a cold beer)
intransitive senses
1 a : to go, come, or appear suddenly -- often used with up b : to escape or break away from something (as a point of attachment) usually suddenly or unexpectedly
2 : to make or burst with a sharp sound : EXPLODE
3 : to protrude from the sockets
4 : to shoot with a firearm
5 : to hit a pop fly -- often used with up or out
- pop the question : to propose marriage

Main Entry: so·da
Pronunciation: 'sO-d&
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian, from Arabic suwwAd, any of several saltworts from the ashes of which sodium carbonate is obtained
1 a : SODIUM CARBONATE b : SODIUM BICARBONATE c : SODIUM -- often used in combination (soda-feldspar) (nitrate of soda)
2 a : SODA WATER 2a b : SODA POP c : a sweet drink consisting of soda water, flavoring, and often ice cream
3 : the faro card that shows faceup in the dealing box before play begins

Soda wins, you lose.

Captain Random said...

I disagree. I think you got that from a biased dictionary, whose author was a fan of the word "soda".

I win!