Monday, April 03, 2006

The Godfather Trilogy … Great Classic or Old film hype???

“I know it was you Fredo!! You broke my heart!” – Michael Corleone (Al Pacino)

Well as every guy is duty bound at least once in his life this weekend I watched The Godfather Trilogy for the first time. Why has it taken me so long to watch these so-called masterpieces, you ask? Umm…well (insert good excuse here). So there!

Anyways, I wasn’t really sure what to expect going into these movies. These films have become Americana themselves. A part of society that is quoted among friends and loved ones, “Never go against the family!” So after many decades of hype I have no choice but to like these movies right? WRONG!! Just kidding, I actually enjoyed these films I just wanted to be argumentative.

The review verdict: pretty good. After watching these films I do feel that Godfather I and II were definitely the better of the three. I enjoyed them, if nothing else for the sole purpose of seeing what all the hype was about and the basis for many rip-offs (some say homage) for many gangster films and jokes. But I didn’t feel they were by any means the best films of all time. However, I will caveat this by saying seeing these films today just isn’t as impactful as when they were first released and were truly groundbreaking filmmaking. So it’s probably not fair to give them a review under today’s standards.

Morale of the story, I enjoyed the films; probably not the best films of all time, but I do feel these are classics that most should see. This may sound like a review of indifference, but in many ways that is how the films left me feeling. Take it for what it’s worth.

Cue the exit music…


pete said...

I honestly think you can transfer this same debate to Star Wars... Great Classic or just old??? :)

Captain Random said...

Well now that's just simple. Star Wars is a great classic. No debate needed....NEXT!!