Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Worst Week Ever

Well I think I’m “on record” having the worst week ever. Not only am I completely out of it from being sick with a bronchial infection (see below) that has left me dizzy, sore throat and a number of other things I won’t go into. I was also put on the “hell” account at work this week. The account is called the “hell” account because it has crazy clients, insane deadlines, and anyone that works on it goes nuts and works an ungodly amount of hours. I’m on this account only temporary to help out while they are hiring more people. And if that wasn’t enough, somehow someone got into my car yesterday evening (not sure how) and stole the faceplate off my CD player, rendering it useless. What the heck? I looked around my car and nothing was broken or anything. Looks like they made away with some CDs, loose change and a few pens as well. Hmm ... is this the work of an annoying klepto? So I guess my car is still okay, and I do still have my CD player … I just can’t listen to it.

This week has got to get better!

Update: 6/20 at 11AM

Things are looking up! I'm starting to feel a lot better and ditching this sickness that has plagued me the past week. And last night I found a Pioneer website where you can order replacement faceplates for CD Players. Got one ordered and it will be arriving next week. Take that klepto! And the heatwave has finally subsided. So it would appear the week is getting better!

1 comment:

LDH said...

dude, if you rode the bus, this kind of stuff wouldn't happen. (or did it happen parked at home and not at work?)